Healthy Mississippi members have the Right:

  • Members have the right to be treated with respect and recognition of their dignity by everyone who works with Healthy Mississippi.
  • Members have the right to get information about Healthy Mississippi, our providers, our doctors, our services and member’s rights and responsibilities.
  • Members have the right to choose their “main” doctor from Healthy Mississippi’s network. (This doctor is called a primary care doctor or personal doctor.)
  • Members have the right to be informed about their health. If members are ill, members have the right to be told about all treatment options regardless of cost or benefit coverage. Members have the right to have all their questions about their health answered.
  • Members have the right to help make decisions about their health care. Members have the right to refuse medical treatment
  • Members have the right to privacy. Healthy Mississippi keeps their medical records private.
  • Members have the right to see their medical record, including the results of their Initial Health Risk Assessment (IHRA). Members also have the right to get a copy of and correct their medical record where permitted.
  • Members have the right to complain about Healthy Mississippi or their care. Members can call, fax, email or write to Healthy Mississippi.
  • Members have the right to appeal Healthy Mississippi’s decisions. Members have the right to have someone speak for them during their grievance.

Healthy Mississippi members have the Responsibility:

  • Members have the responsibility to learn and ask questions about their health benefits. If Members have a question about their benefits, they may call toll-free at 1-833-201-6413 TTY:711
  • Members have the responsibility to give information to their doctor, provider, or Healthy Mississippi that is needed to care for them.
  • Members have the responsibility to be active in decisions about their health care.
  • Members have the responsibility to follow the care plans and instructions for care that they have agreed on with their doctor(s).
  • Members have the responsibility to build and keep a strong patient-doctor relationship, cooperate with your doctor and staff, keep appointments and be on time. If Members are going to be late or cannot keep their appointment, they should call their doctor’s office.
  • Members have the responsibility to give their Healthy Mississippi and State card when getting medical care. Members have the responsibility to not give their card to others and let Healthy Mississippi or the State know about any fraud or wrongdoing.
  • Members have a responsibility to understand their health problems and participate in developing mutually agreed-upon treatment goals as they are able.

Disenrollment from Healthy Mississippi

Disenrollment from a Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Medicare prescription drug (Part D) plan may occur automatically if you:

  • Move your permanent residence out of the plan’s service area (including incarceration).
  • Lose your entitlement to Medicare benefits under Part A and/or are no longer enrolled in Part B.
  • Become deceased.
  • Enroll in a different prescription drug plan. You will automatically be disenrolled from your previous plan (if it has prescription drug coverage).

You may also be disenrolled for “disruptive behavior.” Disruptive behavior is defined as behavior that substantially impairs Healthy Mississippi's ability to arrange or provide care for you or other plan members. Other Medicare prescription drug plan sponsors may decline your enrollment if you have been disenrolled for disruptive behavior.

In all cases of disenrollment, your plan is required to provide proper notice to you and give you the opportunity to appeal the decision prior to disenrollment.

Medicare Disenrollment Information

You can request disenrollment from your Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan or Medicare prescription drug (Part D) plan and switch to Original Medicare (Parts A and B) online or by mail/fax:

Medicare Advantage Plan Disenrollment

Disenrollment form (online/PDF) Medicare Advantage Plan Disenrollment.   You can submit the request online or print the PDF.   If printing the PDF, please complete in black/blue ink only and mail or fax it back to Healthy Mississippi using the directions on the form.

Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan Disenrollment

Disenrollment form (online/PDF) Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan Disenrollment.   You can submit the request online or print the PDF.   If printing the PDF, please complete in black/blue ink only and mail or fax it back to Healthy Mississippi using the directions on the form.

Contract Termination

Availability of coverage or service areas beyond the end of the current contract year is not guaranteed. Termination or non-renewal of the contract by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or Healthy Mississippi as authorized by law may end your enrollment in the plan. If this occurs, you will be able to choose another plan without incurring a late enrollment penalty, as long as you do it within the time period required.

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